Vibrant Matter explores a collaboration between Natascha Seideneck and Forrest Lotterhos to celebrate the completion of Sedeneck’s residency at the Denver Evans School. This event will entail an experimental video and audio experience.
Natascha (she/her) exhibits her work extensively and has produced numerous site-specific artworks, often collaborating with artists, designers, and architects. Her work is interdisciplinary, engaging in experimental processes that integrate still and time-based media. Currently she is a professor of art at MSU Denver and a member of Tank Studios.
Forrest (he/they) creates work that inspires actionable change and amplifies underrepresented voices. He has abackground in documentary film editing focused on climate action and social justice impact, Forrest has had work featured in The National Geographic, at Sundance, Telluride, and over 30+ international film festivals.