This program has now concluded.

Denver Digerati embraces the spirit of youth as an entry point into the visual splendor that a wide swath of digital motion art and animation can deliver to captivate all audiences. Kid Wonder emerged in 2014 in the early stages of Denver Digerati’s development through Friday Flash, a monthly showcase of digital animation displayed on downtown Denver’s prominent 14th and Champa LED screen. As more artists and larger enterprises leverage digital tools for entertainment, storytelling and just plain fun, this program has long been a cornerstone of the Supernova Festival, under various incarnations and eventually serving as the genesis of the student shorts competition. 7th Dimension brings forward another slate of works that all audiences should appreciate and embrace in both a personal and communal capacity.


Crab Bay

By Franz Impler

A scientist discovers the beauty and imaginative capacity of natural science.



By Mahima Jain

Orbie is the life journey of several molecules that come into existence, gain an identity and endure whatever path they find themselves on. Just kidding, it’s a silly little animation featuring a green ball, or is it?


Louis Prince - Ice Cream Island

By Joel Plosz

A cosmic series of events causes a young lad to fall from great heights.



By Glenn Lynch

When a simple boulder’s peaceful existence is disturbed by the presence of a big rowdy bird, he finds himself forced to make a choice between his own stability and the lives of others.


A Whale Song

By Sacha Beeley

Music video for Japanese band Brother Sun Sister Moon.


A Dream of Hawaii

By Dag-Erik Hansen

In a world covered in plastic, Pete leads a nomadic life where he dreams of the pearly white beaches of Hawaii. Will his long journey bring him to a place not covered in plastic waste? 

A tale about plastic pollution stretched to the extreme and human hope for survival in a desperate situation. 



By Olga Przytula

PURE is like a travel into the unknown. Like a dream or an oneiric story coming from within, ready to be told. It slowly unravels its secrets, without giving one, specific thought. It’s a poem to your inner sensibility.


Tippy Topper

By Isis Rubio & Paige Thorsen

A fledgling jello gets too curious about his final destination in a massive food processing plant, a mistake that sends him on a unexpected adventure.


Fall Float Fly

By Qurratul Ain Saeed

At the speed of thought a soul travels through a landscape of dreams, feelings, and spaces. She discovers the darkness and lightness in human life by diving into a fantastical dreamscape and exploring the poetry of contrast.


Among the People

By Jody Cleaver

Synesthesia and music medicine, in watercolours. A visualisation of the original piano composition by Natalie Trayling.



By Maria Leźnicka

Airborne is a surreal animation that connects the world of flying machines with the kingdom of flora and fauna. Engrossed in the fight, airplane pilot loses his target which leads to tragedy. The plane crashes into the crown of a tree. The tragedy that seems to be the end opens a new stage in history. In the place of the accident, a new life is awakened and now it has to solve the mystery of its origin. Airborne is a story about passion, its roots and tells us what we have to lose to be born again.


Flour & Mush

By Emily Wong

Starting the production in 2019 Hong Kong, I hope that I could find ways to communicate the troubled times and to create meaning. The film is about an encounter between a sack of flour and a broken tree trunk—depicting unexpectedness in everyday life. Flour knows how to cook, embroider and make bread. His happiness is completed when he does all these to Mush. A pack of rats appear and attack Flour, causing him to disappear.


The Case

By Maurizio Forestieri

In an unknown time and place, a young boy escapes war with nothing but a dream and a violin case. Along the way he meets the beautiful Naila and a group of other travelers. He crosses deserts and seas during a long and dangerous trip. The music in his heart will guide him along the journey to find his path on the other side of the border and destroy prejudice.