Welcome to the Here and Now

1st Place: LazyBackHome / The Ship of Fools
2nd Place: Maria Estela Paiso / Raining Frogs Outside

Democracy of the Eye

1st Place: Jie Shen / Tiger Stabs Tiger
2nd Place: Albert Merino / The sublunar world


1st Place: Taye Cimon, Pierre Coëz, Julie Groux, Sandra Leydier, Manuarii Morel, and Romain Seisson / Code Rose
2nd Place: Maxime Chudeau / CIRCVS MAXIMVS

Resonant Dwellings

1st Place: Guangli Liu / Very, Very, Tremendously
2nd Place: Mona Kiel / Juice

Self and Ego

1st Place: Jesu Medina / An Ego and I
2nd Place: Carlos Velandia / Woman as Image, Man as Bearer of the Look


1st Place: Koki Saito / Inner Voices
2nd Place: Qieer Wang / Rejuvenation

Uncanny Intelligence

1st Place: Robert Seidel / HYSTERESIS
2nd Place: Espen Tversland / Nowhere to Ἀϝίδης


1st Place: nikolarr / STARE - - Impérieux
2nd Place: Raman Djafari / DJ Piper - RIP TXL

The End of Story

1st Place: Jullian Young / Resaerate
2nd Place: Chris Coleman / Threaded Tracing

Digital Dialect

1st Place: Emily Sasmor / FLORE
2nd Place: Brandon Blommaert / The Jeweller

Supernova 2022

Focal Competition Awards

Grand Prize: Young Joo Lee / Lizardians
2nd Place Award: Roman Muradov / My Jeopardy
3rd Place Award: Xi Chen / Chicken of the Mound
Honorable Mention: Zongo Jiang/ Shared Planet
Honorable Mention: Mahsa Merci / Limbo 2

Director’s Choice Awards

Award of Distinction: Heesoo Kwan / Leymusoom is Holding Us
Award of Distinction: Steven Lapcevic / Time

Student Shorts Awards

Grand Prize: Yuki Sun / Without End
2nd Place: Vivien Forsans / Bedroom People
Honorable Mention: Marcella Moliner / H.O.M.E.
Honorable Mention: Mo Xiaolan / Cold Square

Everything Abstract Experimental

Grand Prize: Megan Jedrysiak & Jackson Ammenheuser / Shorthand Stasis
Honorable Mention: Alessandro Amaducci / Remake Remodel
Honorable Mention: Dirk Koy / Intersect
Honorable Mention: Marcos Montane / Hamartia

Everything Abstract Sonic

Grand Prize: Austin Slominski / Faster than the ground below me
Honorable Mention: Tsz-Wing Ho / Pulse at the Center of Being
Honorable Mention: Louis Prince / Ice Cream Island

Supernova 2021

Focal Competition Awards

Grand Prize: Louis Crevier / Sometimes I think about things, and sometimes I get sad
Grand Prize Artist Residency: Eunseo Kim / Megalomania
2nd Place Award: Johannes Duncker / Soft Rains
3rd Place Award: Taokan Xu / Audenie
Honorable Mention: John Butler & Lina Theodorou / JI
Honorable Mention: Linyou Xie / We will love you

Director’s Choice Awards

Award of Distinction: Dane Cree / Dragon
Award of Distinction: Brian Cowe / Ahead
Honorable Mention: Kendra Fleischman / Daisy Chain
Honorable Mention: Jenelle V. Davenport / Chrysalis Mama

Student Shorts Awards

Grand Prize: Tsz Wing Ho / Hand
Honorable Mention: Gobelins Student Group / Coffin
Honorable Mention: Haomin Peng / BUT (bud)
Honorable Mention: Yoon Hei Cho / Parked

Everything Abstract Experimental

Grand Prize: Faiyaz Jafri / Gently (and Chainsaw)
Honorable Mention: Snow Yunzue Fu / Avalanche
Honorable Mention: Benjamin Ridgway / Formless Form

Everything Abstract Sonic

Grand Prize: Esteban Azuela / Drop to Hell
Honorable Mention: Sacha Beeley / Craziest Things
Honorable Mention: Martina Scarpelli / A Little Too Much

East High School Student Gif

Grand Prize Award: Clara (11th Grade)

Supernova 2020

Focal Competition Awards 
Grand Prize: Sine Özbilge / 21xoxo 
2nd Prize: Huckleberry Hax / STOMOL 
3rd Prize: Ted Wiggins / Lizard Ladder 
Honorable Mention: Tim Ross / The Last Page of Summer 
Honorable Mention: Geoff Hecht / Metro6 
Honorable Mention: Nick Flaherty / Trepanation

World on Fire Awards 
Grand Prize: Maja Gehrig / Average Happiness 
2nd Prize: Raquel Meyers / Inattention 
Honorable Mention: Favo Studio / Quarantine 
Honorable Mention: Molly Murphy / A Hole 
Honorable Mention: Sean Capone / THEO TW’AWKI

Director's Choice Award: Kimberly Burleigh / Jealousy

Student Shorts Awards 
Grand Prize: Natalie Nichols / Identity Crisis 
Honorable Mention: Wyatt Hall & Kaz Fontone - Nearsiders 
Honorable Mention: Zibo Xu / TanukiAndTangerine

Gifathon Awards of Distinction 
Daniel Maw / Gabe’s Oasis: Iowa City, IA 
Eun Bi Chang / Shadows 
Greg Doble / The Active Realization of Self in the Mirrored Mind

Supernova 2019 

Focal Competition Grand Prize 
Eli Ayres / Standard Operating Procedure

Director's Choice Award 
Jack Wedge / Goodbye Mommy

Student Showcase Award 
Kamal Adisa / Paradise Island

Audience Vote Award 
Sara Roth / Whirligig


Focal Competition Awards 
Grand Prize: Jeron Braxton / Octane
2nd Prize: Sean Capone / The Sky Report
3rd Prize: Ryan Wurst / Don't Make Out 
Honorable Mention: John Butler / The Dependency Loop
Honorable Mention: Eli Ayres / Ackerman in Flux

OBM Screen Invitational Audience Award
Ryan Wurst / Work It 


Focal Competition Awards 
Grand Prize: Max Hattler / Divisional Articulation
2nd Prize: Jack Wedge / Tennessee
3rd Prize: Nikita Diakur / Ugly
Honorable Mention: Seishi Irimajiri / Borderline
Honorable Mention: Emily Sasmor / Strangers Cowboys


Focal Competition Awards 
Grand Prize: Peter Burr / The Mess
2nd Prize: Raquel Meyers / Vladijenk II - The corroded mainframe at Tartarus edition
3rd Prize: Alan Warburton / Soft Crash
Honorable Mention: Kendra Fleischman / String Ballet
Honorable Mention: Birch Cooper / Ornamental Threshold Release

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